

Seeing Red

1 Badd Ride is one of the "new kids" in the world of diecast. So far they only have two cars in 1/24 (an '06 Mustang custom and an '06 Corvette custom), but their preview images promise more good cars coming soon. They definitely deserve credit for the detail work they put into their cars, as well as some unique innovations like he way they created the Mustang's mesh grill.

Anyway, onto the subject of this post: I had picked up the Corvette, but passed on the Mustang. It was nice looking, but neither the silver/black nor the white/red really called to me. That changed tonight when I came across this:

No mention of the red/black had been made, so I was quite surprised to see it there on the shelf. The seats look a bit weird (they're blue, I would've preferred solid black), but that's a minor nitpick on an otherwise excellent replica. Nice job 1BR, I look forward to seeing more.


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