

Year Two

Today marks the beginning of the second year of this weblog. Hit-or-miss occasionally, but it has now been a full year since I launched this section.

Coincidentally, I also just recieved my copy of Theater Hopper: Year Two. Although it lacks the individual sketch option of the first book, it is still signed by the author plus it even improves on a couple of other fronts. First, Tom Brazelton really started hitting his groove here, and Year Two contains many of my all-time favorite Theater Hopper strips. Second, the incentive sketches (83 total by my count) are a really nice touch. The page count is also up from Year One, weighing in at 216 pages compared to the earlier 192. The forward and guest strip sections remain, and the overall quality of the book is excellent. If I could make one request, I wish they were double-packed. I know it would add another cost, but the mail service between Iowa and New York isn't always delicate and both of my books got a little roughed up in transit. Not bad, but a plastic baggie would have kept them near-perfect. Still, I'm glad I picked up both and highly encourage everyone else who enjoys the comic (or movies in general) to do the same.

Both books are currently available at for $18 and $15, or you can buy them together for just $25.


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