

Go Speed Racer!

Mattel's Speed Racer movie toys have hit the shelves, and I picked up their Mach 5 (part of the Hot Wheels R/C line):

There were a couple of different versions that looked close to 1/24~1/25, but neither the boxes nor the shelves were marked. So I brought in my Polar Lights Mach V as a comparison and got the one that looked closer. As you can see, the overall size is a nearly perfect match to the PL kit:

I'm really looking forward to this movie. Not because I am a huge Speed Racer fan, or because of anyone particular in the cast (though both John Goodman and Susan Sarandon are excellent). No, I'm willing to spend $10 for the chance to watch F-Zero GX on the big screen:

The only more visually awesome thing I can think of would be seeing the IMAX release of the movie. The only problem with that would be our collective heads exploding at the sensory overload. Still, it'd almost be worth it...


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