

Kotobukia ED-209

I got my Kotobukia ED-209 yesterday. I've been holding off on buying any of these figures because they're a little pricey, but I've been wanting a model of the ED for quite a while now and finally decided to go for it in the hopes that this one would have the added bonus of fitting in with my AMT Robo-1 police car (and yes, he looks to be a near-perfect 1/25 scale). After seeing it first hand, the price suddenly seems a lot less expensive. For a mass-market release of such a small figure, the detail work on this little guy is great - even the bottoms of his feet are detailed!

The best part of all this is where I bought him from. I don't know of anyplace that I can buy Kotobukia figures locally, and I detest the blind packaging. After a little checking around, though, I found Not only did they have a price that matched or beat everyone else I could find, but it was a mere 48 hours between when I placed my order and when their box arrived.

ED now stands in the back of Nemesis Prime until I get a chance to build Robocop's ride. In the meantime, I think I'll see if some of the other figures scale out as well as ED did.


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