

Theater Hopper - Year One

Approved by fictional movie cars everywhere!As anyone can see by my model subjects, I'm a big fan of movies & television (and comics, and books, and...). So it should come as no surprise that I'm also a fan of the webcomic Theater Hopper. I first learned about it somewhere around strip #59, when it referenced another comic I was reading at the time (the now retired Mall Monkeys). A quick trip through their archives, and I've been reading ever since. Starting with a pre-order campaign back in June, TH made the jump to print with the book Theater Hopper - Year One.

My copy arrived in the mail today, and I just got finished reading through it. I've been really looking forward to it since the news and reviews first started rolling in, but like an idiot I didn't place my pre-order until near the end of the original promotion so I knew I was going to be near the end of the queue for receiving it. I'm glad I did go with the pre-order, though, because all of the books ordered during this time period include a signed sketch inside the book. Not just a quick throwaway sketch, either - a nice, clean, inked drawing. Very cool.

As for the book itself, creator Tom Brazelton did a great job putting this together. Each comic is reprinted with a short behind-the-scenes blurb underneath it. There's also a forward by the artist and a backup section of bonus material from the site, making for a nice package that's well woth the cover price ($21.95 shipped, though it's currently on sale for $15 + shipping). Year One is a great read because it shows his growth as both a writer and an artist. He pulls no punches, either; pointing out various shortcomings as well as triumphs, and doing both with a good sense of humor.

If you haven't yet, head on over to Theater Hopper and check out their archives. If you like what you see, now is the perfect time to order a copy of Year One, and next week will start the pre-order campaign for Year Two. Yeah, it's a short gap between the two books, but if Y2 is as good as Y1, it will be well worth it. I know I'll be placing my order next Wednesday.


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