

Heaven is a Place on Earth

There was one moment in San Junipero that didn't quite hit right with me the first time I saw it: because of the way the episode wrapped up, we never got a definitive time between Yorkie and Kelly's big argument and Kelly changing her mind about joining the simulated reality. In real time, it seemed like a sudden reversal that felt out of place. Then I realized that there was actually a perfect little Easter egg to explain how much time had passed. The bulk of the episode is specifically stated to be set in 1987. But as the credits roll and the happy couple roll off into the sunset, they're in a Mazda MX-5 Miata...a car introduced in 1989 for the 1990 model year. So either the show creators took great pains to recreate the worlds of 1987, 2002, et. al. down to the posters on the walls in the background and then forgot to check when the Miata hit the market, or it was two years. Clever writing FTW.


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