

It Wasn't a Game

When I was still a wee tyke in the mid-1980s, our school library was a single large-ish room divided into two sections: the little kid area with the braided rug on the floor and colorful posters on the walls at one end, and the young adult area with its wooden tables surrounded by monolithic shelves of books at the other. Even then my preferences for entertainment were wide and varied, so while I stayed on "my side" of the card catalogue I still kept an eye on the goings-on happening over there with the "big kid" books and would occasionally sneak one into my reading. One that particularly caught my eye was Interstellar Pig, just released in paperback with its fantastic cover art:
Interstellar Pig 1986 Edition

The story itself didn't disappoint, and re-reading it in preparation for this build, I was happy to see that it held up after 30+ years.