Transformers: G1 Prowl

Original Kit:
1981 Datsun 280 ZX Turbo
Made By:
AMT/Ertl (kit #8211)
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Transformers Generation 1 Prowl
Binaltech Prowl, Alternators Prowl, and G1 Prowl side by side Binaltech Prowl, Alternators Prowl, and G1 Prowl noses together G1 Prowl rear

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This kit is pretty close to box stock. Being a police car, I upgraded the suspension and drivetrain, and inside the car I added a computer console, radio, and radar gun.

Outside, I added a scratchbuilt light bar, five spoke wheels, sport mirrors, and gave it Prowl's standard paint job (a common Japanese Police car motif; black three-quaters up the body, large "POLICE" on the doors, black hood scallop, etc. The paint job is only unusual when the comic books and cartoon base the Transformer's storyline in the United States). Although it looks strange, I left the T-top seams there intentionally to match the toy.

The final paint job is fairly straightforward: semi-gloss black and flat white to give it a no-nonsense official look. The door and hood emblems were made in Illustrator and printed onto labels, and the rear "HIGHWAY PATROL" text is a decal.


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