Transformers: Beast Wars Cheetor

Transformers Beast Wars Cheetor
Beast Wars Cheetor face Beast Wars Cheetor back

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Although G1 Bumblebee came first, Cheetor really cemented the "brash young character who becomes the face of the franchise and is painted yellow" trope - later followed by Hot Shot and, of course, movie Bumblebee. So of course he had to be added to my custom Beast Wars collection at some point.

As it turns out, he was one of the easier customs I've had to do. Schleich's Cheetah was most of the way there already, the only real change I needed to make was the eyes, which I repainted Apple Barrel Parakeet green to recreate one of his early toy looks. Less critically, I also repainted a few of the spots across the body where it looked like Schleich's templates were misapplied.


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