

Ah, A Manly Sound

So, funny thing about State of Fear...when it came out, it was soundly roasted by the scientific community for the myriad problems with the science it contained. Not only did this response seem to forget that Crichton was also responsible for a story about dinosaurs coming back to life via impossible science, it also proved the point of the story insofar as we're often quick to react but slow to think.

Anyway, here's a Ferrari.

Suspect Headed to East Alley...Uh, Pursued

In the late 1990s/early 2000s, the Viper was a frequent tenant in Batman's garage. Early cars were more or less stock, but it didn't take long for an artist to put some fins and a mask on one. The first of those was Roger Robinson's Batmobile as seen in Gotham Knights.