

Short Drive


Fox has impounded "Drive," steering the show off the network highway after four episodes.
Despite decent reviews, "Drive" quickly stalled, averaging just a 2.3 rating and 6 share among adults 18-49, and 5.6 million viewers overall.

Monday night's "Drive" didn't help matters, coming in fifth place for the hour (1.5/5) and driving "24" to record lows, dropping Fox to fourth for the night.

Having shoved a Denver boot on "Drive," Fox has now gassed up "House" repeats in the Monday 8 p.m. slot.

Net is still mulling whether to burn off the last two remaining segs of "Drive" on air, or stream the final segs online.

Fox revved up six segs of "Drive," which revolved around a group of people forced to take part in an illegal cross-country race. Nathan Fillion stars.

Tim Minear and Ben Queen created and exec produce "Drive," which comes from 20th Century Fox TV. Greg Yaitanes also exec produced.


Well, that was a short trip. Next Monday is going to be an episode of House (excellent show, but no cars), so we'll see what happens to the last two episodes from here. Disappointing, but I can't say as I'm too shows often have a tendency to disappear quickly. Adding in that it was up against established shows, and it was probably a tough sell. Oh, well - at least the DVD set will be cheaper.


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