

Street Racers’ Souped-Up Cars Crushed

"...Authorities destroyed six vehicles Wednesday at an auto graveyard, hoping would-be racers think again after looking at the mashed machines. Illegal street racing is responsible for or suspected in 13 deaths in Southern California since March.

"The thrill-seeking, adrenaline-pumping activity is rampant in Riverside and San Bernardino counties east of Los Angeles where rows of tract homes line wide streets that attract racers.

"Nearly 1,000 people — drivers and spectators — have been arrested for investigation of street racing activities over the past two years in San Bernardino County alone. Police need a court order to destroy the cars. They must prove that the serial or identification numbers on a vehicle or its parts are removed, altered or destroyed..."

(Read the full story here)


The response from professional and semi-professional racers regarding any kind of street racing is pretty universal: if you want to race, take it to the track. Although that's definitely the best advice, Daniel Moldonado (one of the crush-ees from the article) was probably right when he said "it will never go away." Street racing has pretty much been around since there were streets to race on, and its appeal goes beyond the racing itself.

Still, if you're a driver who wants to have no-rules racing, take it out of the city. Go find a stretch of empty road, an airfield, or a section of hardpan to do it. That way it's only your own life at risk.


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