

Reel Rides Update

Reel Rides has made a couple of announcements for their next wave, both of which are good news for fans. First, they will be expanding their availability to include their 1/24 cars in twice as many stores as they are in now, and their smaller scale pieces will be in three times as many stores.

Seccond, their next lineup will include cars from Back to the Future, Knight Rider, The Blues Brothers, Casino, and The Italian Job. The Blues Brothers is particularly exciting, as collectors and model builders have been clamoring for a '74 Dodge for years (so hopefully the Monaco will be part of Reel Rides' 1/24 series).

Although my first impression of the Reel Rides cars wasn't as high as I had hoped, RR has shown itself to be a company that listens to the collectors and I remain optimistic. The next wave holds a good deal of promise, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they will have to offer.


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