

Corvette Funfest This Weekend in Effingham, IL

"Now in its fourteenth year, Corvette Funfest is a free customer appreciation event hosted by Mid America Motorworks. Last year’s event drew over 14,000 Corvettes and 45,000 enthusiasts to Mid America Motorworks’ sprawling corporate campus. With featured guests including George Barris, the ‘King of the Kustomizers’, and popular rock band Three Dog Night, record crowds are expected for 2007.

"The theme of this year’s event will be ‘Celebrating a Corvette Summer,’ (seen above)with the customized 1973 Stingray from the movie of the same name serving as the featured vehicle. The ’73 'Corvette Summer' Stingray, driven by Mark Hamill in the 1978 movie, is one of many Corvettes in the personal collection of Mid America Motorworks founder Mike Yager. Yager’s extensive collection, which also features the priceless CERV-1 (Chevrolet Engineering Research Vehicle) and a 1964 World’s Fair Mitchell Styling Corvette, will be on display throughout Funfest."

As if the event wasn't cool enough, Mid America Motorworks put together a set of Flash movies like the one above, each one showcasing one of the star cars that will be there. This is a great tool for anyone who might be interested in building a model of one of these unique Corvettes. Thanks, MAM!

You can visit the Official site for the Corvette Funfest here!


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