

Transformers at IMAX

I reviewed Transformers when it first came out in July, so I'll make this review of the IMAX upgrade short:

- The extra footage neither helps nor hinders the movie, but did add a couple more laughs.
- Between the fight scenes and Peter Cullen's delivery, the IMAX sound system got a good workout.
- Lifesize giant robots.

Yes, Transformers at IMAX was definitely a worthwhile purchase. The movie is just so big that it deserves the mega-screen treatment, and the extra care taken to prep it for these theaters looks & sounds even more amazing than the regular screen version. If you've been waiting to see it, now is the perfect opportunity. If you've already seen it, go again. This is the type of movie IMAX theaters were built for. Not sure if you have one nearby? You can check it out here.


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