

Rod Stewart in the Current Issue of Model Railroader

Every once in a while, the concept of "famous builders" pops up in modeling forums. Not "which builders are well known," but "are there any celebrities that build models?" One name that pops up is singer Rod Stewart, who has been a model railroad enthusiast for years. The December issue of Model Railroader takes a look at his layout, a mid-40s city inspired by NYC.

The article does a great job of indicating the adjustments needed to pursue a hobby like that with such a hectic lifestyle (including hotel rooms modified into work shops), as well as noting how modelers are modelers regardless of fame (his wife's watch suddenly disappeared only to return days later as the clock in a building façade). Since Rod did nearly all the work himself, the article also offers MR's usual great job highlighting the work that went into such a huge layout.

If you're not a subscriber to Model Railroader, you can pick up this issue at your local bookstore or magazine stand.


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