

2007 Year in Review

2007 has been a busy year in the hobby: we started the year with some sad news, including the passing of modeler Ricky Couch and the news that RC2 was going to be discontinuing the AMT line. We then got some better news over the next few months, including the release of the first series of Reel Rides cars and the biggest license coup in years: Mattel's 1/64 and 1/18 1966 Batmobiles. We got a glimpse into the future of the hobby with several articles about 3D printing processes, and had some concerns about the near-future of the hobby with the acquisition of Revell by Hobbico.

There were also some interesting 1:1 hobby notes, including the auctions for John Schneider's General Lee and KITT, the unearthing of the Tulsa Plymouth, the 21-foot X-Wing takeoff and "landing," and the launch of Star Car Central.

TV- and movie-wise, we saw the premier and cancellation of Fox's Drive, some preview images of KITT and the Mach 5 for their upcoming projects next year, and special edition diecast cars with the purchase of Blade Runner Ultimate Collector Edition DVD (Spinner) and Cars Blu-Ray (Blu-Ray McQueen). We also got the release of two long-awaited big screen properties this summer with Transformers and The Simpson's Movie, both sure to inspire some model projects in the future.

Speaking of projects, the models added to the site this year included Metallo, the Chicken Pit Special, the Flintmobile, Batman's first car, the CSI: Miami Hummer, the Jericho Roadrunner, Rollover, the Deathmobile, the Birds of Prey Hummer, a Scrubber Droid, TC-14, the B'Omarr Monk, Bumblebee, the Misfile Acura, the 2007 Holiday Auction, the Monster Garage Wedding on Wheels, and an update to my 1966 Batmobile.

This year also saw the launch of video tips & tutorials on the site, an idea I'm hoping to expand on. And even though there's only one day left this year, the updates aren't done yet - check back tomorrow for the final update of the year!


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