

Happy Birthday LEGO Brick!

Although the LEGO group had been around for several years by 1958, that was the year that a revolutionary new brick design (the stud-and-tube coupling system) created what we now know as the LEGO brick. Today marks the 50th anniversary of that event, and to mark the occasion LEGO is selling an exclusive update of their original "Town Plan" set:

It features some cool elements like a 1950s-style gas station, a town hall with a newly-married couple, a movie theater with ticket booth, seats and posters, 2 classic cars, and 8 minifigs. The company owner, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, makes a return appearance on the box art (he appeared as a kid on the original Town Plan box). He is shown next to his father Godtfred Kirk below in a photo from the 1955 demonstration of the original "Town Plan" set.

As anyone who's looked around knows, I've been a LEGO builder for quite a while. Near as I can remember, it all traces back to this little set that I got nearly a quarter century ago:

Coincidentally, that was the same year I got hooked on Transformers...apparently 1984 was a banner year!


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