

Get Fuzzy

Get Fuzzy is one of the most consistently funny strips in the paper today, and modelers got a bit of a shout out with today's strip:

Not being a ship builder, I was curious as to whether this kit actually existed. So I did a little checking around, and found out that Airfix does do a 1/144~1/150 version of the HMS Vasa (or, depending on how you want to spell it, the Wasa). Airfix kits are generally accepted as decent but not intricately detailed kits, good for new modelers. So this actually seems like a good choice for Satchel. If you'd like to try it yourself, this place has the kit in stock. Or, if you'd like something a little bigger and more detailed, there is also a big 38" version available here.

So although I didn't find a 1/175 version of the ship, I do have to give Darby Conley credit for his work on the box art:


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