

Upcoming 1/24 Properties?

Outside of the automotive realm, 1/24 scale collectibles can be few and far between. But there are a couple of cool licenses on the horizon that may be pretty darn close. First up is the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade motorcycle & sidecar set:

Although the Hasbro Titanium line doesn't subscribe to any particular scale, the motorcycles (as seen in the Ghost Rider line) are pretty close to 1/24. It would be great to see this follow that tradition, lets keep our fingers crossed. You can see the other vehicles in this series (including a minor SPOILER ALERT regarding Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) on the Star Wars Blog.

Next up is a statue representing the final showdown from the original Jurassic Park:

This is the first in a series of statuees from Sideshow Collectibles, and according to their figures it measures 12" high including the base. Doing a quick eyeballing of the statue, that looks like it puts the Tyrannosaur at about 10" tall - perfect for a 20' tall dino in 1/24. You can see more photos here.


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