

National Make '‘n Take Day this Saturday

A reminder to everyone looking forward to it and a notice for anyone looking to do something fun with the kids: Saturday, March 8, will be Revel's first national Make 'n Take Day. If you're unfamiliar with Make 'n Takes, here's the rundown from Revell's press release:

"...This means young modelers (or those interested in starting modeling) across the country will have an opportunity to visit their local hobby shop to build a special edition SnapTite Camaro Concept car. The car is only available at these Make 'n Take events and is designed for easy assembly by the novice. The SnapTite Camaro does not require glue and can be assembled in about 20 minutes by seven to eleven year olds.

"With 50,000 SnapTite Camaro'Â’s already distributed to hobby shops across the country, Revell expects the first ever Make 'n Take Day to be a huge success. "Parents continue to tell us they love the interactivity and fun Revell products provide while getting their children away from video games," said Mike Brezette, Revell marketing vice president. 'National Make 'n Take Day is our response to this feedback and our way to help children and adults of all ages rediscover the fun of building a precision-engineered model.'

"Revell, along with their distributors, is providing the special edition SnapTite Camaro Concept car at cost to hobby shops interested in participating in Make 'n Take Day. Hobby shops also receive a promotional banner and mini product catalogs. 'Revell, our distributors, and our dealers make no profit on this event,' said Brezette. 'We all believe it'Â’s very important to provide the kits at the lowest possible cost to give as many children as possible the opportunity to enjoy the model building experience.'

"Revell has offered Make 'n Take packages for many years which are often used by Boy Scout troops, schools and summer camps. 'By using a simple SnapTite kit that is easy to assemble, kids get interested in the hobby without being overwhelmed with a more complicated model that requires paint and glue,' said Brezette."

So check your local hobby store (not sure where the nearest store is? check here), and think about joining in. It will be a great opportunity to spend time with the kids, plus it will offer both you and your kids the chance to try out the hobby.


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