

Congratulations to Scott Kurtz & PvP

PvP turns 10 today. In addition to the achievement of ten years online, PvP holds a special place for me as the strip that got me into webcomics (a list that currently includes Ctrl-Alt-Del, Diesel Sweeties, JLCM, Misfile, Sinfest, Sheldon, Shortpacked, Theaterhopper, Ugly Hill, and VG Cats). I first stumbled across it in February 2002, and spent the next few days going through the archives. I've checked in daily ever since, and continue to enjoy it.

A few months after I started reading, there was a storyline that became my first comic-themed model. So not only did it prompt me to check out other comics, it has lead to a series of themed models.

So congratulations on ten years, and I look forward to reading more!


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