

Iron Man

I caught a Sunday show of Iron Man, and have to say I was very impressed. I've been hearing about how great it was from several people all last week, which was setting the bar pretty high. Even so, I have to agree that this is definitely among the best comic book movies ever created.

Robert Downey, Jr., Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Terrence Howard were all perfect in their roles, the story was top-notch, the effects were incredible, and the soundtrack was great. It managed to balance an origin story, action, and character development without skimping or dragging, a rare feat for any movie - doubly rare for a superhero movie. Tony also had a pretty impressive car collection, including a Deuce rod, an Audi R8, a Shelby Cobra, and a Saleen S7 (one or two of these will definitely be showing up on the site in the future).

In short, this was the perfect kick-off to the summer movie season. Next week: Speed Racer!


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