

Speed Racer

I've been looking forward to Speed Racer, and I'm happy to report that it delivered exactly what I was looking for. It was fun, amazing to look at, and featured a good set of likable characters. The story wasn't terribly deep, but it was told well enough and the Wachowski's proved that they still have a knack for blow-you-away action.

Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci, Kick Gurry, Paulie Litt, Susan Sarandon, and John Goodman all did great as the (extended) Racer family, Roger Allam made the villain Royalton, and Matthew Fox was absolutely perfect as Racer X. For car buffs, the racing sequences were also done flawlessly: you could really believe these machines were dealing out (and taking) the punishment shown throughout the film. Some of the individual stunts were truly amazing.

There might be one or two scenes that aren't suitable for the youngest movie-goers, but overall it seemed like a good movie that the whole family could enjoy.


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