

M. Night Shyamalan Knows Suspense...

...but not cars. I saw The Happening earlier today, and it was pretty good - but had some atrocious missteps whenever the action involved vehicles. Click "Continue reading M. Night Shyamalan Knows Suspense..." below to see a couple of things he missed. INCLUDES SPOILERS

  • Jeeps do not work that way: The Jeep Wrangler has been getting quicker over the years, but the 2007 still boasts a 0-60 time of around 10 seconds and a quarter mile top speed of less than 80MPH. There's no way that one could accelerate into a tree hard enough to eject the driver from a dead stop in only a few hundred feet (not to mention the problems getting around a likely airbag considering the age of the Jeep).

  • Safety glass does not work that way: John Leguizamo's method of suicide is to slash his wrists with a chunk of glass left over from the Jeep accident. The problem is, the only broken glass around was left over from the windshield. Safety glass breaks into cubes, not shards.

  • Door chimes do not work that way: Mark Wahlberg comes across a Ford F-150 pickup in the middle of the field. The door is open and the chime is ringing, letting him know that the keys are still inside. The problem is, only the passenger side door is open - the driver side door is shown closed. Unless Ford decided to shake things up a bit, the chime is to remind the driver that he/she left the keys in the ignition, not the passenger.

To paraphrase Morbo:




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