

Credit Where Credit is Due

Complaining about Corporate America is practically a national pastime. It's easy to hate the big names because they ignore consumers, make dumb choices, etc. It's especially common for collectors to go hard on the toy industry: every decision made by the powers that be is a slap in the face to some collector somewhere. And heaven forbid there's an actual problem with one of their products: getting good service and solving the issue can be a frustrating runaround.

But I have to give credit to Hasbro's consumer relations department. I had a problem with one of the Transformers figures I got, and let them know about it. They were courteous, professional, and able to solve the issue very quickly. They actually went to a fair amount of trouble for a single $10 toy owned by a single consumer, and deserve credit for a job well done.

Great job guys, and thanks. May others follow your example.


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