

Silly String War

OK, so this is sort of old news at this point, but I just found out about it and I thought I'd pass it along to others who may not have heard about it yet:

"...cans of Silly String were collected by a KB Toys store in the Crossgates Mall and will be used in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Soldiers spray it into rooms to detect hidden trip wires attached to bombs, said Eric Durr, spokesman for the New York Division of Military and Naval Affairs.

The mother of a soldier visited the toy store in Guilderland and asked store manager Mike Phelan if the company would be interested in donating Silly String for the war effort.

Phelan said a sign was put up on the counter and within a month, 900 cans of Super String -- a new name from the manufacturer of the Silly String brand -- were donated by store customers.

A felt-tipped marker was kept at the counter of the toy store, and many customers inscribed messages on the cans, such as 'Stay Safe,''Come Home Soon,' and 'Sorry it's not a beer.'

The cans provided a colorful contrast inside the single-story building in Wilton that serves as a warehouse of goods to be shipped to soldiers overseas."

(Full Article)


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