

Thanks, Fuji!

I always like to give credit where it is due, and this time I think the folks at Fuji deserve a shout out. A few weeks ago, the CCD failed on my otherwise trusty FinePix E550. Apparently this wasn't an uncommon problem for this vintage camera, but it wasn't something I could really complain about. Until then, it had worked flawlessly for three years taking thousands of pictures and movies.

I can't really go without a camera for too long, but at the same time I didn't want to just rush out and buy a new one if this one was fixable. So I followed the instructions on Fuji's web site and sent it off to their repair facility in New Jersey. They provide work estimates before they start, so I figured that if it was going to be a cheap fix I'd get it done. If it was going to be expensive, I'd start looking into a new camera.

It turns out that even though the camera was out of its original warranty, the CCD replacement was still covered. So today, just over a week after I sent it to them, I have a fully functional camera back on my desk and all I had to pay for was the original shipping to the repair center.

So thanks, Fuji! By standing behind your product, keeping me informed throughout the process, and making sure that the repair was done quickly and accurately, you've shown me great service and have ensured a loyal customer for many more years.


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