

KB Toys

The news about KB came out during the recent power outage here, so most of you already know about their impending closure. So this isn't a news item here so much as a personal note about the store.

I'm going to miss KB. They are one of two non-hobby stores in the area that has model kits, the best offline source for unusual diecast cars, and one of the very few places at the mall for me to kill some time waiting for our movie to start. They're also the last fully dedicated "toy store" around (the local Toys 'Я' Us stores added clothing a few years back).

Without them, I wouldn't have found Eleanor as soon as I did, I wouldn't have gotten the parts I needed to finish my 2005 Batmobile as quickly as I did, and I wouldn't have been able to snag a Lightning McQueen right after seeing the movie.

KB was also where I first saw several new toy lines over the years, including TransformersMachine Wars and Beast Wars figures, Nintendo's Virtual Boy, and McFarlane's first Spawn figures. After all, this was in the dark ages before the internet was really available, so seeing what's on the shelf was often the only way to learn about new products.

I know that the closing of a toy store ranks relatively low on the list of world and economic events at the moment, but they will be missed all the same. I'm going to try to stop by at least once more before the doors close for good.


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