

2008 Hollywood Car Awards

Joe Johnson of and I are launching the first annual Hollywood Car Awards! With award season upon us, we thought it would be nice to celebrate the four-wheeled stars that graced the screen over the past year. Details are still being hammered out, but here's what we have so far for nominations:

Best Car Movie:
- The Dark Knight
- Death Race
- Gran Torino
- Sex Drive
- Speed Racer
- Transporter 3

Best Movie Chase/Race:
- Audi/Semi Trucks (Transporter 3)
- Casa Cristo 5000 "The Crucible" (Speed Racer)
- Opening Chase Scene (Quantum of Solace)
- Jungle Chase (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)
- The Death Race (Death Race)
- Tumbler Chase (The Dark Knight)

Best Movie Car (stock/slightly modified):
- 1969 Pontiac GTO (Sex Drive)
- 1972 Gran Torino (Gran Torino)
- 2007 Audi R8 (Iron Man)
- 2008 Aston Martin DBS (Quantum of Solace)
- 2008 Audi A8 (Transporter 3)
- 2008 Dodge Viper SRT-10 (Wanted)

Best Movie Car (custom):
- 1932 Ford (Iron Man)
- Bad-Pod (The Dark Knight)
- Frankenstein's Mustang (Death Race)
- Mach 5 (Speed Racer)
- Shooting Star (Speed Racer)
- Tumbler (The Dark Knight)

Best TV Car:
- 1967 Chevrolet Impala (Supernatural)
- 1971 Challenger R/T (NCIS)
- 2008 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR (Knight Rider)
- 2008 Caterham Seven R500 (Top Gear)

Best Actor:
- Christian Bale (The Dark Knight)
- Clint Eastwood (Gran Torino)
- Daniel Craig (Quantum of Solace)
- Emil Hirsch (Speed Racer)
- Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones)
- Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight)
- Jason Statham (Death Race/Transporter 3)
- John Goodman (Speed Racer)
- Robert Downy Jr. (Iron Man)
- Shia LeBeouf (Indiana Jones)
- Steve Carell (Get Smart)

Best Die-Cast Line:
- Hasbro/Titanium Indiana Jones
- Hasbro/Titanium Star Wars
- Johnny Lightning Dukes of Hazzard
- Johnny Lightning Star Trek
- Mattel Batman 1:50 scale vehicles
- Mattel Pixar/Disney Cars
- Mattel/Hot Wheels Speed Racer

If you'd like to add to the list of nominees, send me an e-mail or go here to send us your thoughts!


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