

It's all a Blurr to me...

I don't normally do Transformer figure reviews here, but I have to make an exception today.

Although my Transformers G1 collection essentially contains all of the cars from the first three years, I never bothered to get Blurr. I just never really cared for either mode, and as a non-wheeled vehicle he never really fit in with the others anyway. I got Armada Blurr primarily because I was collecting all of the Armada cars, but again I wasn't really blown away by either mode.

Animated Blurr, though, is a whole different story. This is easily my favorite of the TFA figures so far (beating out Jazz), and looks great in both robot and car modes. It's well engineered, well articulated, and holds together solidly in both modes. Most importantly for this particular character, he looks fast. The G1 Blurr was way too boxy to convey his speed, but this one just looks like he's ready to break the sound barrier in either mode.

In short: if you're still on the fence about the TFA series, I recommend you check out Blurr. If you like what you see in the above photo, you won't be disappointed.


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