

Fast & Furious Record-Setting Debut


"Revving way past its predecessors' redlines, Fast and Furious packed an estimated $72.5 million under its hood, summarily dusting Anger Management's $42.2 million to notch the biggest April debut ever. Driven by the action sequel, the weekend as a whole was the busiest on record for April, grossing an estimated $185 million and surging 65 percent ahead of the same weekend last year...Not only did Fast and Furious have the highest-grossing opening for a car-themed movie (beating Cars' $60.1 million), it was also tops for a straight-forward action picture (as opposed to the superhero or fantastical kind), surpassing The Bourne Ultimatum's $69.3 million. What's more, during the January-to-April timeframe, only The Passion of the Christ had a larger-grossing debut in the past."

Read the full article here.


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