

JaAm Session

Transformers Universe Hot Shot finally showed up around here, so I picked one up to add to my TFU collection (the first non-G1 to join the ranks). Fortunately, my Hot Shot didn't seem to have any of the quality control issues I've read about...the joints are all nice and tight, and nothing seems to fall apart on him. The one complaint I did agree with for a while was that his back kibble was terrible. The two back halves of the car were in each other's way, and the whole thing was a mess. With a little fiddling, though, I was able to figure out a way to position them that not only makes them look more integrated, they give him a little extra upper body bulk:

It does limit his shoulder articulation a bit, but if I really want him to move his arms I can just swing the offending part out of the way, move his arm, then move the part back to where it was (or at least as close as possible). As an added bonus, it puts the Minicon hardpoint more or less exactly where it was on the original Hot Shot figure.

All in all, I'm still happy with the TFU line. Ratchet/Ironhide was the only design I really didn't care for, and I'm still using Cybertron Smokescreen instead of TFU Smokescreen (mostly because I already had him), but otherwise the rest of the line has been all winners. I'm glad that Hot Shot continues the tradition.


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