

Press Release: Dr. Toy Announces "Best Picks Children's Products for 2009"

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - (December 15, 2009) - "Dr. Toy's Best Picks Children's Products 2009" awards list announced today is now available to parents, teachers and others in the online magazine, Dr. Toy's Guide www.drtoy.comThis link will open a new window.

"Dr. Toy's Best Picks Children's Products" Awards Program 2009 was developed by noted play and child development authority, Stevanne Auerbach, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Dr. Toy) as a service to consumers who desire to purchase safe, affordable, educationally oriented, stimulating new toys and products for children.

"As a childhood specialist for over 40 years," says Dr. Toy, Director of the Institute for Childhood Resources, founded in San Francisco in 1975, "I have seen the continuous, essential need for more year-round resources for consumers to identify and choose the most appropriate, safe and engaging learning and developmental products for all children."

Dr. Toy reports that in the years the innovative on-line magazine, Dr.Toy's Guide has been available "thousands of visitors daily from around the world have easily accessed information." The site was the first on-line resource to evaluate toys and children's products.

The report, "Dr. Toy's 100 Best Picks Children's Products for 2009", is being released according to Dr. Toy to "encourage parents and teachers to focus on the value of play as essential to the learning process."

She adds, "Smart play products selected from excellent companies across the U.S.A., Canada and other countries provide children with exciting new developmentally appropriate tools to help them do better in school, and also provide more constructive activities after school."

Dr. Auerbach believes "parents and grandparents need help to gain a head start locating new, diversified products that children will enjoy while increasing skills, enhance instruction and expand imagination." The products balanced among large and small companies, range from low to high tech for "hours of active, creative, educational, and stimulating fun."

"Children learn best through play," says Dr. Auerbach, "and these smart new toys and products encourage children to maximize their potentials."

"This is a good time to 'take stock' and do an inventory of what your child is playing with, what is not used and what they need next in their development." adds Dr. Toy." Dr. Toy's Guide offers excellent ideas for choosing new products for use in learning, after school play and the holidays ahead."

"Dr. Toy's Best Picks " were carefully chosen from among thousands that she has reviewed at toy fairs, catalogs, and through many other sources, and by using extensive criteria she has developed over many years. Among the criteria used are: safety, age-appropriateness, design, durability, lasting play value, cultural and ethnic diversity, good transition from home to school, educational value, learning skills, creativity, improvement in the understanding of the community and the world, good value for price, and, naturally, fun.

Dr. Toy selects special categories including: Ten Best Toys, Best Active Products, Audio/Video Tapes/CDs/DVDs, Creative Products, Educational Products, Games, Socially Responsible Products, CD-ROM's/High Tech Products.

Winning products are manufactured by new, small and large companies from around the world including: b. dazzle, bluedominoes, Better Indeed, Carson-Dellosa, CelebriDucks, Chicco, Circle Out Games, Corolle Dolls, Creativity for Kids, Discovery Post, Educational Insights, Educational Publications, Edupress, Elmer's Products, Express Yourself Baby!, Fisher-Price, FloraCraft, Flying Pig, FoxMindGames, GameWhys, Gamewright, Hallmark, Haydenburri Lane, I Can Do That! Games, Juice Box Heroes, K'NEX, KIDdesigns, Kubit2me, Leap Frog, Learning Journey, Learning Materials Workshop, Little Tikes, Master Communications, MEGA Brands, Mentor Interactive, MGA Entertainment, myWallaby, Patch Products, Plasticant-Mobilo, Playroom Entertainment, Pressman Toys, Publications International, Puzzled, RandomLine, Rock 'N Learn, Roylco, Science WizTM, ScreenLife, SepToys, Shidonni, Smith & Tinker, Smithsonian Folkways, Song Wizard Records, Sunya® Math Games, Tailten Games & Puzzles, Tame Tiger, TechnoSource, Think Fun, Uncle Skunkle, University Games, Vermont Teddy Tear, Vivid Imaginations®, Wild Republic, Your Baby Can, Zillio, Zoobies and many others.

Dr. Toy's annual report includes company customer service numbers, web site URL, age range, price, and full description of each product and more. The award-winning, on-line magazine, Dr. Toy's Guide, features full color photos of each product, links to companies to learn more, interviews with and articles by Dr. Toy, plus hundreds of currently available "Best Classic" and "Best Vacation" products. At this time over 4,000 products are included plus links direct to companies, toy stores online, toy history, "Ask Dr. Toy" feature, parent resources and much more.

Dr. Auerbach is the only Ph.D. evaluating toys and children's products with extensive training, background and over 40 years of experience evaluating, writing and speaking about toys and children's products. Dr. Auerbach is trained in education, child psychology, child development, and special education. She is a parent educator, consultant, parent and grandparent.

Obtain an easy access free copy of "Dr. Toy's Best Picks Children's Products 2009" at Dr. Toys GuideThis link will open a new window


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