

Press Release: Bend Oregon Inventor plunges into ABC’s Shark Tank

Architect Mark Burginger, witnessed a slow-down in his work load due to the slump in the housing construction market. So along with his job search he also spent time developing a construction toy for children.

Tune in on Friday, January 29th (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network and see Qubits® Toy Company pitch a new toy idea to the panel of multi-millionaires on "SHARK TANK."

Qubits®, is a dynamic new entry into the multi-million dollar construction toy industry. It is gaining popularity with school teachers, retailers and of course - children all across the USA. A simple plastic toy that can be built-up using a unique patented modular geometry. It quickly captures the imagination of children who might have visions of becoming architects, engineers, scientist or even nanotech designers.

After a year of successful sales, Mark has now landed the chance to pitch his company/invention to the ruthless investors, also known as sharks, at "Shark Tank," the popular reality show that, in these trying economic times, gives budding entrepreneurs a chance to make their dreams come true and become successful business people.

Armed with the Qubits® toy, Mark must try to convince five tough, multimillionaire tycoons to part with their own hard-earned cash and give him the funding he needs to jumpstart his business idea.

The Sharks of "Shark Tank," lifted themselves up by their bootstraps to make their own entrepreneurial dreams come true and turned their ideas into empires. The five Sharks of this dynamic panel are real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran, "infomercial" industry pioneer Kevin Harrington, technology innovator Robert Herjavec, fashion icon Daymond John and financial expert Kevin O'Leary.

The Qubits® Construction Toy can seen at www.Qubits.comThis link will open a new window

For more information on “Shark Tank,” visit link will open a new window


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