

Lindberg Lives!

As many modelers have noticed, the offerings from Lindberg have dried up in the past year. Though their reissues of older Palmer & IMC kits had some issues, more recent kits such as their '60s Impalas & Dodges and the '53 Ford, were outstanding models of unique subjects (the '53 was even voted "Kit of the Year" by Scale Auto Magazine readers a few years back). The only kits still readily available are the Homie Hoppers and a few leftover kits, neither of which really show how good Lindberg was in their prime.

Fortunately, it looks like at least some of them will be getting a new lease on life thanks to Hawk Models. Ernie Petit, president of Hawk Models, confirmed that they did indeed purchase the Lindberg poduct line and will be reissuing at least some of their models, as well as the possibility of making some new kits. This is great news for hobbyists, so be sure to watch for these in the near future!


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