

Press Release: Munster's Koach & Drag-U-La

Munster's Koach and Drag-u-la

It took a deathly long time, but Munsters fans will soon see the ghoulish darkness at the end of the tunnel! AMT's Special Edition double kit of the Munster Koach and Drag-U-La will be arriving at Round 2's wicked warehouse on July 13th. It's no apparition, after nearly two decades, Drag-U-La returns from the tomb of AMT tooling! It's even been a decade since the Munster Koach was last issued.

With the gracious help of TV and movie producer, Kevin Burns and his incredible collection of historical Munster imagery, the Kats at AMT were able to put together a truly terrifying tribute to the Munsters' morbid machines. Both kits come "buried together" in a huge 11 x 14" collectible tin, covered in photos of the two most creepy customs ever created! Inside the kits, many boney bonuses await. The treasurable 16 page photo booklet features rare photos of the cars under construction, on the set and at special events. It's a collector's dream and a wealth of visual information for modelers wanting reference material to build the perfect and horrific replicas.

The kit also includes three stand-up placards, a "head stone" marker for each car, and a fabulous die cut backdrop of the Munster family standing in front of the gates at 1313 Mockingbird Lane. These can be put with the built models for a grand and ghostly display!

If this weren't enough, both models include ALL the original decals, plus ADDITIONAL decal artwork to DIE for! The Munster Koach sheet includes nearly every variation of the Munster's family crest seen on the door of the real car, along with "Munster Go Home" movie markings, accurate pin striping, cob webbing and more! Drag-U-La's decal sheet features a new realistic tombstone decal option, plus movie markings and more accurate versions of the original decals that you can really sink your fangs into! (But you still get all the original versions, too!)

For those of you wondering, YES! The Drag-U-La does include the slippery "Surf Slab" surf board with simulated motor, lantern and mounting rack from the original 60's AMT kit, with devilish decal options in multiple colors.

Don't be caught dead without this fabulous model kit duo, AMT's Munster Koach and Drag-U-La from TV's "The Munsters"!


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