

Knight and Day Review

Knight and Day continues this summer's theme of unsurprising but very entertaining movies. Basically, if you thought the trailer looked good, you will probably enjoy the movie. It's fast and fun, with a nice blend of action and comedy.

The movie was enjoyable almost solely thanks to its stars, Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. They're both fun to watch, and Knight and Day allows both of them to play to their strengths.

Roy Miller (Cruise) is charming, intelligent, protective, and about a half bubble off of plumb. His offhand delivery of unnecessarily honest facts plays nicely against his extraordinary skills as a secret agent. June Havens (Diaz) is a gearhead with her own life, and as such doesn't really play the "damsel in distress" so much as the "reluctant partner."

The plot is almost incidental, and the supporting cast is essentially made up of props, so if you're looking for a thrilling tale of espionage you're going to be disappointed. If, on the other hand, you're looking to spend some time at the movies watching a good popcorn flick, this would be a great one to catch as a matinee show.

Collector/Modeler Interest:
Diaz's classic Goat is readily available using Revell's '66 GTO - no modifications are necessary.


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