

HobbyTown USA Show

Halloween Party at HobbyTown USA

The Make-N-Take
This fall's show at HobbyTown USA was a little different than usual. By the end of the day there had been several dozen models on the tables, but unlike most model shows these were all built right in the store during one of the largest Make-N-Take events the store has seen. From 11AM to 4PM, kids of all ages (with some help from parents and volunteers) built Revell's Camaro Concept Car, 1957 Chevy, or 2006 Corvette. By the end of the day, what had been two full boxes of kits was reduced to a few spare parts and a couple of leftover kits. It was really great to see such an enthusiastic turnout; several of the builders commented about how they were surprised that building a simple snap-together kit could be so much fun.

RC Car Jump
But that wasn't all that went on today: in addition to the usual tables of models from my modeling group and the local IPMS representatives, the sidewalk in front of the store featured historic reenactors, games for kids (apple bobbing, bag-toss, puzzles, etc.), and Halloween decorations. In the parking lot, local Fire and Police officials were on hand with their trucks & equipment, there was a section of the lot cordoned off for RC car demonstrations, and over 100 classic and custom cars were on display.

Many of the people - kids and adults both - came in costume, adding to the overall fun atmosphere. Even a few cars came dressed as their favorite celebrities:

The General Lee, Two-Lane Blacktop Chevy, and American Graffiti Deuce Coupe


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