

HobbyLink Japan Red Cross Donation Campaign

From HobbyLink Japan:
To our customers:

In an effort to help alleviate the suffering caused by the recent Tohoku Kanto Earthquake & Tsunami disaster, we're going to donate a portion of our revenue for the next two weeks to the Japanese Red Cross.

During the campaign, we're raising prices on almost everything we sell by 2%. We'll then donate this 2% difference to the Red Cross; that's how HLJ's customers will contribute. Then HLJ will match those funds with a contribution of its own. So we'll be donating a total of 4% of our sales to the Japan Red Cross for use in the recovery efforts in the hard-hit quake zones, and we're asking our customers to shoulder half of that burden.

Since we're not giving our customers any choice about this, we fully understand raising prices, even a little, may actually drive some customers away. But we also believe that the vast majority of our customers want to help as badly as we do, and we think this is a great, simple way for them to pitch in.

For more details about this campaign, please see our donation campaign information page HERE.

The campaign ends on March 31, and we will be sending the donation amount to the Japanese Red Cross on April 1. At that time we will announce the donation amount on the HLJ website.

As always, we thank you for all of your business with us, and ask you for your understanding and support during this difficult time.

Scott T. Hards


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