

Press Release: BEEP, BEEP! Looney Tunes Model Kits!

Looney Tunes Model Kits!

The all-time futile pursuit is going strong! This time the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote have some horsepower to add to the chase. These Snap It kits featuring Looney Tunes characters are designed to be snapped together in less than an hour. Molded in colors and chrome, each kit features a 4 1/2 – 5" fully painted figure . No glue or paint required. Includes colorful stickers to decorate each model. Now available: Road Runner and the Rail Rider, Wile E. Coyote and the Wile E. Willys and the Roadrunner and his Beep Beep T. Available at Hobby Lobby, Hobby Stores and

Looney Tunes Model Kits


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