

Press Release: Newest Guinness World Records Title Presented to TOMY for World's Tallest Toy Train Track

TOMY, the maker of the innovative Chuggington StackTrack Railway System, set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for Tallest Toy Train Track on Saturday, May 11, 2013. The record-setting train track, constructed with Chuggington StackTrack—a durable die-cast railway system that enables kids to build vertical toy train layouts—towered 17 feet 4 inches tall. In order to set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for World's Tallest Toy Train Track, TOMY Master Builder Jason Moreno and his helpers needed to construct a layout utilizing the Chuggington StackTrack die-cast railway track that met or exceeded 9 feet 8 inches in height, and a commercially available Chuggington StackTrack die-cast railway train had to travel from the top of the track all the way down to the bottom. Hundreds of kids and their families watched in anticipation and were delighted as the engine completed its journey down the spiraling StackTrack tower.

TOMY Master Builder Jason Moreno prepares to send a Chuggington die-cast railway train down a tower constructed of 17 feet, four inches of Chuggington StackTrack, which set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Title for tallest toy train track Saturday, May 11, 2013 at Grand Central Terminal

Moreno constructed the larger-than-life toy train layout as part of the Grand Centennial Parade of Trains in Vanderbilt Hall in New York City's Grand Central Terminal. The building began at 8:00 a.m. and was completed at 1:00 p.m., in time for the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Adjudicator to authenticate the record-setting event and present the certificate to a delighted TOMY crew.

"This is a very exciting achievement for our company and for Chuggington StackTrack," states Willie Wilkov, TOMY's VP of Marketing Communications and Branding. "We are proud and honored to now be counted among the select GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title holders."

TOMY Master Builder Jason Moreno adds, "I went into the build being 100% confident we could set the record, but I'm not going to say it was easy!" Moreno worked on the build, which featured nearly 1,000 track pieces for more than five hours. "It was exhilarating and when that train made it through more than 140 spiraling turns and hit the bottom, I am sure you could hear the cheers and screams throughout Grand Central Terminal!"

Inspired by Chuggington's modern characters and fast-paced adventures, TOMY's Chuggington StackTrack die-cast railway combines train and construction play in a full line of toys. The line features playsets and high-performance engines that allow budding engineers to build tall, spiraling toy train layouts. Easy to connect and simple enough for preschoolers to build on their own, the Chuggington StackTrack die-cast railway system is a durable and sturdy solution for adding elevation to train sets and creating amazing action.


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