

Press Release: Tinkineer Announces Product Launch of Marbleocity STEM Kits

Tinkineer ( announces Marbleocity - a unique STEM product that encourages children and teens to pursue careers in engineering using dynamic model kits that are made of wood in America.

Tinkineer's Marbleocity Dragon Coaster STEM Kit (PRNewsFoto/Tinkineer)
Tinkineer's Marbleocity Dragon Coaster STEM Kit (PRNewsFoto/Tinkineer)

Each Marbleocity "marble machine" kit ships with a companion graphic novel featuring an engaging cast of characters called "the Tinkineers." The comic is used to introduce a new physics concept or engineering mechanism that is also the focal point of the model. The result is a beautiful showpiece-quality, kinetic sculpture and a unique learning experience.

Tinkineer is thrilled to launch Marbleocity today and make it available via a Kickstarter campaign.

"The Marbleocity kits introduce and reinforce STEM concepts," says Founder Adam Hocherman who conceptualized the Marbleocity line. "For example, the Dragon Coaster kit teaches conservation of energy, something not typically introduced until high school physics. But kids are having too much fun building a working wooden roller coaster to be intimidated by that fact."

Marbleocity is:

  • STEM: The Tinkineers in the comic introduce engineering and physics concepts in an accessible way and then the marble machine kit building experience reinforces those lessons.

  • STEAM - Art & Science Together: An engaging graphic novella connects with young makers through an artistic medium. The completed Marbleocity project is a beautiful piece of kinetic sculpture suitable for display.

  • Maker: There's something magical about building something with your hands – whether you're an adult or an inquisitive child.

  • Made in the USA: Marbleocity is designed and manufactured in the USA.

"As a mother and educator I was really impressed," said Lindsay Lehmann. "My son exhibited a level of focus and engagement with the Marbleocity project that I felt was beyond his years."


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