

2015 Year in Review

2015 was an incredibly busy year, both online and off. For starters, it was my most productive year ever: 33 models, customs, and upgrades were completed since this time last year!

These included: The Circuit Wolf Lotus Europa, The Fast & the Furious Chevelle, The Circuit Wolf Lamborghini Jota, Transmorphers 2 Ford Crown Victoria (LAPD), Transformers: Robots in Disguise Bumblebee, Transformers Masterpiece Exhaust, Fast Five Nissan GTR, Furious 7 Off-Road Dodge Charger, Kenzie Ruston Toyota Camry, Wayne's World AMC Pacer, Agents of SHIELD Chevrolet Corvette, Furious 7 Plymouth 'Cuda, Jurassic World Mercedes-Benz G550, Herbie Rides Again VW Beetle, Furious 7 Dodge Charger, Joe Dirt Dodge Charger Daytona, Dr. Who TARDIS, Need for Speed Ford Mustang, The Man with the Golden Gun AMC Hornet, Fast Five Dodge Charger (Rio Police), The Walking Dead Winnebago Chieftain, Transformers: Robots in Disguise Sideswipe, Jurassic Park Toyota Land Cruiser, 2044 Peacekeepers Ford Expedition, The Silver Spectrum Ford Deluxe, Starsky & Hutch Ford Torino, Auto Trader/Dukes of Hazzard Dodge Viper, Deuce of Spades Ford Highboy, Porky's Hudson Hornet, Furious 7 McLaren, The A-Team Chevrolet Corvette, SpyHunter 2 Saleen S7, and Star Wars X-34 Landspeeder. Many of these were the product of years' worth of work, so it was great to see some of these long-term ideas finally become reality.

2015 was also a great year for fans of movie cars. Mad Max: Fury Road and Furious 7 would be enough to satiate anyone who loves car flicks, but we also saw some cool rides in Jurassic World, Spectre, and Hot Pursuit, not to mention the modern version of the Truckster in Vacation and the chase from The Man from U.N.C.L.E.. We even got some non-car awesomeness with the craft in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Not all was good news from Hollywood, though: we lost Leonard Nimoy, Christopher Lee, James Best, Geoffrey Lewis, George Coe, Roddy Piper, Wes Craven, Dean Jones, George Barris, and Robert Loggia among others.

Toy Fair had more building sets than ever: Revell finally released their long-awaited Starsky & Hutch Torino, McFarlane continued to expand their Walking Dead building block line, and Round 2 continues to mine their archives for some long-lost kits. It was also nice to see how many companies were finally waking up to the idea of getting girls to build things, with K'Nex launching their Mighty Makers line and Mega Bloks adding Monster High to their lineup. Even 1/24 collectors had reason to celebrate with Jada picking up the Fast & Furious license and cranking out new and updated toolings.

2015 was a great year for hobbyists, here's hoping for another great one in 2016!


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