

Looking Back: eBay

Continuing the "nostalgia" theme, I'll take the opportunity this evening to reflect on another site that has had a major impact on me as a builder and collector: eBay.

I joined eBay eight years ago today, at the recommendation of a Hess toy truck collector. My first purchase was a back issue of Entertainment Weekly, but my first model purchase followed soon after: it was a 1/28 Ligier JS-11 from Blue Tank that would go on to become Mirage. Since then I've been a regular user, averaging about one transaction per week, and eBay has helped my hobbies immeasurably: the Vanette kits used for Ratchet and Ironhide, the Pantera for my 1987 Batmobile, or the Tomorrow Never Dies BMW would've been impossible to find otherwise (not to mention quite a few Transformers and other old toys).

Later that first year was also the debut of my annual Holiday Auction. My selling has pretty much been limited to those and the occasional diorama detail set, though I've put up the occasional model kit, toy, or other miscellaneous item now & then.

Overall, I've been very happy with my dealings on eBay. Sure, there have been a handful of bad users - and it has in no way replaced some of my other hobby outlets - but the benefit of getting those rare & out-of-production items has been worth it. I just make sure to keep it fun, avoid the snipers whenever possible, and look forward to many more years of buying & selling.


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