Monster Jam Batman (2008)

Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman
Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman packaging Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman steering Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman sponsor detail Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman suspension Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman tire detail Hot Wheels 2008 Monster Jam Batman engine

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NOTE: This is a modified reissue of an existing model, and this review will focus on the changes made between the cars. You can see the original review for more details.


After defeating Dennis Anderson in Grave Digger to take the 2007 World Championship, John Seasock would pull a rare back-to-back victory in 2008 after defeating Jimmy Creten in Bounty Hunter.



One more minor tweak to the first generation packaging, with the left side of the front panel cut at an angle rather than tight to the Hot Wheels logo, reducing the likelihood of that part of the box being crushed.



2008 was a straight carryover from 2007.



No change from the previous release.



The 1:1 truck didn't change in 2008, so this remains as good (or bad) as the 2007 version.



Both Batman and Hot Wheels were about to change things up in 2009, so 2008 was a "stand pat" year. Aside from the slight change to packaging and updated copyright, this is identical to '07.


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