Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo

Made By:
Good Smile Company
Packaging (Design):9/10
Packaging (Durability):9/10
Casting (Body):9/10
Casting (Interior):7/10
Casting (Chassis):N/A
Casting (Engine):N/A
Paint (Exterior):10/10
Paint (Interior):10/10
Paint (Trim/Graphics):10/10
Overall Panel Fit:10/10
Total Score:9.3/10

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Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo
Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo Packaging Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo shocked face Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo sad face Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo with lettuce Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo medal Pui Pui Molcar Shiromo rear

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NOTE: This is a modified reissue of an existing model, and this review will focus on the changes made between the cars. You can see the original review for more details.


Shiromo is the timid Molcar who always seems to get wrapped up in trouble, such as being stolen and used as a getaway vehicle for bank robbers in the second episode.



Shiromo uses the same box as Potato, only the colors and phtos have been changed. The main text and insert are now green, and the graphics have been updated for this Molcar.



The casting is (so far) identical between Molcars, but while Potato had golden Dutch markings, Shiromo is solid white with gray windows and green tires with yellow hubs. He has the same detail painting on his nose and mouth, and retains the same high standard set by Good Smile Company.



As with Potato, you get a regular and shocked face, optional sad eyes, ears that can be rotated and wagged up and down, double ball jointed wheels, a single seat that can hold a Nendoroid figure, and a clear display base. Shiromo also comes with a leaf of lettuce, the bandit mask put on him by the bank robbers, and the medal he recieved from the police after they followed his trail to the robbers' house.



Shiromo looks just as close to his on-screen counterpart as Potato did - not quite as fuzzy, but close enough to work. The seams around the removable parts are slightly more obvious against the bright white, but are still clean and tight.



I have a feeling these are going to be like real guinea pigs - if you like it, odds are you'll eventually get more than one. It's another fun and silly piece from Good Smile, and one that gives credence to the company's name.


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