Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco

Made By:
GreenLight Collectibles
Packaging (Design):9/10
Packaging (Durability):9/10
Casting (Body):9/10
Casting (Interior):9/10
Casting (Chassis):8/10
Casting (Engine):N/A
Paint (Exterior):8/10
Paint (Interior):9/10
Paint (Trim/Graphics):8/10
Overall Panel Fit:10/10
Total Score:8.8/10

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GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco
GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco packaging GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco seats GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco interior GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco flank GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco grille GreenLight Collectibles Hunter 1977 Dodge Monaco rear

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NOTE: This is a modified reissue of an existing model, and this review will focus on the changes made between the cars. You can see the original review for more details.


Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who breaks the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals.



This box is identical to the Hunter Fury, the only difference is the text under the main window and the photos on the end flaps.



This is, essentially, the Terminator Monaco without the light bar or dash light. Or, if you prefer, Junkins' Fury with a passengers' mirror and Monaco grille. Either way, we've seen everything here in one way or another, and it still looks good. There are a couple of errors that I haven't seen before - most notably a scuff in the right C pillar and paint wear on the rear bumperettes - but your mileage may vary. Everything else is painted or printed just as it should be, and the base green has a great shine and realistic metallic finish.



Same front doors opening, this time the right hinge is a tad loose but still opens nicely and seats correctly.



As noted previously, consistency wasn't a big concern for the show runners. Rick got his green Monaco in season 3 and used it through the beginning for season 7, despite myriad crashes, flips, and visible parts swaps. Giving this the appropriate leeway under those circumstances, this is a good replica of the car and the "1ADT849" California plate is correct for at least some of those episodes.



GreenLight has really been making the most out of this casting, and I still appreciate how they're mixing up details to make each one unique.


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