Made By:
Overview: | |
Packaging (Design): | 9/10 |
Packaging (Durability): | 8/10 |
Casting (Body): | 8/10 |
Casting (Interior): | N/A |
Casting (Chassis): | N/A |
Casting (Engine): | N/A |
Paint (Exterior): | 9/10 |
Paint (Interior): | N/A |
Paint (Trim/Graphics): | 9/10 |
Overall Panel Fit: | 8/10 |
Total Score: | 8.5/10 |

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NOTE: This review covers both sets released in this scale. Set #1 has Chica and Mr. Cupcake, Foxy, Golden Freddy, and an Animatronic Skeleton; set #2 has Freddy, Bonnie, Springtrap, and Balloon Boy.
The original Five Nights at Freddy's had the player acting as night security at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a children's restaurant featuring animatronic puppets à la Chuck E. Cheese's. These animatronics roam the restaurant after hours (ostensibly so that their servomotors don't lock up from sitting idle too long), but due to their programming they don't recognize humans after hours and if they see one will misinterpret it as a fellow animatronic "out of character" and kill it by stuffing it in a spare costume. As the guard, you weren't able to leave the office but could watch the goings-on via security cameras and control lights and doors in an effort to survive the shift from midnight to 6 a.m. That game introduced the original five animatronics: Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate Fox, and Golden Freddy. Balloon Boy is introduced in the prequel FNaF2, while Springtrap shows up in the third game.
Four figures are packed shoulder-to-shoulder in tidy window boxes that measure 11" (27.5cm) x 4" (10cm) x 2¼" (6cm), striking a nice balance of minimal wasted space and good displayability. The window is framed by a poorly-lit image of the inside of Freddy's, which bleeds onto the end flaps. The rest of the package is flat black. The game's title is centered on both the top and front panels, on extensions that cut into the window. The front panel also has the Funko logo, "Collectible Vinyl Figure Set (in three languages), and the age restriction/choking hazard warning. The top lists the character's names over their respective tray notches. Each end flap repeats the title and "Collectible..." tag from the front panel. The back panel has images of all eight figures in the series over a poorly-lit image of the security office, and all the same info from the front panel. The bottom panel has all the legal info. Inside, a single plastic tray holds all four figures with no twist-ties or tape. A single cardboard print is slipped behind the tray, which serves to continue the image that frames the window. It's a good looking box, and it's easy to get the figures in and out of it without damaging anything.
All eight figures are cast in soft vinyl, and assembled from multiple pieces to get the best detail possible at this size/price. The casting is nice and sharp, with minimal casting defects and clean assembly work.
Chica is standing and holding Mr. Cupcake on a plate in her right hand. Her stance is very awkward, similar to C-3PO's usual look and really selling the automaton look. As per the game model, she's made up of soft, rounded parts that look like fur-covered padding. The casting work here is excellent, varying from the appropriately textured fur to the smooth legs and beak to the four sharply cast feathers on top of her head. Most of Chica is painted bright yellow, with orange for her beak and feet, black for her eye sockets, pupils, eyebrows, nostrils, and mouth, white for her eyes, teeth, and bib, and silver for her toes, knees, wrists, elbows, and neck. The bib has a festive "Let's Eat!!!" with confetti printed on it. All of the paint work is good; there is a little slop around the elbows and knees, but the bib is outstanding. A dark wash has been lightly applied to help bring out some of the textured detail and give Chica a slightly used look. Mr. Cupcake is sitting on a white plate, with a brown wrapper and red frosting. A single white candle with a yellow flame is centered in the frosting. Two bug eyes stare out of the frosting above a pair of buck teeth, and are nicely done. There is a bit of bleed from the frosting to the candle, but considering how tiny it is I'm impressed they got it as close as they did. There's also an ugly parting seam on half the plate, but since it's only on half I'm going to guess that it was a missed step during assembly rather than a casting defect.
Foxy has the appropriate decaying look, with holes in several places and a large gash across his chest. These are all sculpted as well as painted, giving them a nice depth. The bulk of the figure has the correct "padded" look, with soft edges and a light texture to suggest fur. His head is likewise textured, but instead of being soft and rounded it has nice sharp tufts of fur on his cheeks and ears, along with some fine hairs on top of his head. His lower legs and left hand are raw metal. These, along with his hook and the joints at his elbows, shoulders, and neck are painted a bright silver that contrasts nicely to the flat colors used elsewhere (dark red for his fur, pink for his stomach and muzzle, and brown for his pants). All of the paints are applied correctly, with good coverage and excellent placement. His head is particularly nice, with the teeth, freckles, and one yellow eye all nicely applied. Everything has a dark wash to help bring out the details and give Foxy an older, used look.
Golden Freddy is in his slumped pose, with his knees drawn up to his chest, hands on the ground palms-up, and head tilted to the side. He has a microphone in his right hand, and a bow tie and top hat cast in place. Since Freddy is A) complete and B) a bear, he has none of the sharp or mechanical bits of Foxy. Everything here is soft and rounded, with the same light fur texturing. Sculpting and assembly are both still excellent, though, with only a few light seams on his shoulders and jaw. Paint apps are far fewer here than on Foxy: he's mostly painted a dull yellow, with the mic head and neck joint in silver, the hat, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, tie, and mic body in black, and his teeth in white. Application is still generally good, but the tie is only painted on the surface so its edges are yellow instead of black. Golden Freddy has the heaviest weathering wash of any of these figures.
The final figure in the first set is the Animatronic Skeleton, aka the Endoskeleton. Stripped of all the fuzzy coating, the skeleton is all hard edges and straight lines. It's mostly silver, with black used for the knees, hips, fingertips, waist, elbows, shoulders, ribs, mouth, and eyelids. The eyes are white with blue irises and black pupils. Sharp as the casting is, the paint isn't quite up to the standard of the others: almost all of the joints are incompletely painted, with more than a few sloppy edges. The white teeth are almost impossible to see against the silver jaws, but unfortunately are quite easy to see when slopped onto the black space between the jaws. It's a really sharp design and execution, though, and would really benefit from a skilled painter doing some extra detail work.
The titular Freddy is the first figure in the second set, and for the most part is a slightly smaller standing version of Golden Freddy. He has the same soft, rounded features, the same nice casting with good surface detail, and the same microphone/top hat/bow tie getup. His paint is obviously quite a bit different, though, being mostly medium brown with lighter brown on his muzzle, stomach, and soles. Like Chica he has blue eyes and silver joints. Freddy's wash is a little uneven, with his belly being much heavier than his face. Maybe it's dirtier because that's where kids are putting their grubby hands on him?
If not for the cotton puff tail, I would have guessed that Bonnie uses the same mold as Freddy, just with different arms and a different head added. Said arms are now holding a Flying V guitar, which other than a slight bow in the neck is a pretty good replica. Bonnie's head is essentially the same as Freddy's, but with the top hat and rounded ears replaced with a set of long segmented rabbit ears. The colors are a pretty straight translation of Freddy's, too: brown is now purple, light brown is now blue, and the tie and eyes are now red and magenta. The ear pads and tail are the same blue as Bonnie's stomach.
Springtrap is essentially a decaying version of Bonnie. Like Foxy, Springtrap has no lower leg or foot coverings, but unlike Foxy they look like they've rotted off about mid-shin. What's left of the costume is the same puffy texture as the other figures, but there are more holes and tears in this one than any others. Further adding to the disturbing nature is the red wiring and bits of silver used throughout the figure, giving the impression of exposed muscle and bone tissue. His right ear is severed halfway up the first segment, with more exposed wire. The eyes are lidless and set in much wider sockets, furthering the skeletal appearance. His remaining fur is a dark desaturated yellow with a lightly applied wash.
Lastly, we get Balloon Boy. He doesn't really fit the look of the others, with a rotund little body and stubby arms and legs. His finish is much smoother than the furred animatronics, which is appropriate. The casting work here is OK, but more than any of the others he suffers from the limitations of the material: his balloon string is more like a balloon pipe, his beanie propellor is too thick, and the "Balloons!" sign kind of oozes into his hand. There's also the single worst casting of all eight figures in the balloon: the two halves don't quite line up, leaving a pretty big gap and a step between the front and back. The paint's not much better: while the face is excellent, and the "Balloons!" is just as sharp as Chica's "Let's Eat!!!," the hat and hairline are a mess. Blue and brown are slopped over onto the face, and the flesh tone bleeds into his hair in multiple places. the arms have the same problems, with flesh coloring going up both the balloon string and sign, and the sleeves and arms never knowing quite where they want to meet. For both sculpting and paint, Balloon Boy is easily the weakest figure of the lot.
Chica, Foxy, the Skeleton, Freddy, and Bonnie all have articulated necks that let you rotate the heads 360°. Springtrap might have the same articulation, but I could not get mine to move and did not want to risk breaking it. Despite there being no articulation in the legs, it's pretty easy to get all of them to stand on their own.
Aesthetically, these are all very well done and true to the game models. From subtle details like the fur texturing to the more obvious things like Foxy and Springtrap's decomposition, the sculptors at Funko really did a nice job here. The solid black mouths on the figures seem like they should be disappointing, but the sculpted and (generally) well-painted teeth help sell the illusion nicely. If you're more than a few inches away from any of them, you'll likely not even notice that they're not open. There are no official heights given for the characters, though they are generally assumed to be around 7' (2.1m) tall. Assuming that. they're approximately 1/39.5 scale.
These are some really fun figures, well done and packed so it's easy to get all the main players. While they're a little small compared to what I usually collect, their unique nature lets me fudge the numbers (as I've done before). They're definitely not toys, though, so don't expect them to handle much more than standing on a shelf somewhere. But if that's not a problem and you're a fan of Five Nights at Freddy's, these are definitely worth picking up.
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